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Parents, Grandparents & Carers of Pre-School Children
Come and Meet Others
Alternate Monday Mornings
Gladstone Village Hall
10:30am to 12 Noon
No need to book
Held at Gladstone Village Hall, Burton, CH64 5TH
Contact: Sheila Dennison, Families and Children's Worker at St Nicholas' Church, Burton-in-Wirral
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St. Nicholas' is the parish church of the villages of Burton and Puddington on the Wirral in Cheshire.
We are an Anglican Church that has close connections with our village communities and their Church-aided Primary School.
We passionately believe that local church is the hope of the world, and are therefore committed to building a loving, worshipping, and mission-focused community at the centre of village life.
At St. Nicholas' we have a wide variety of service styles and groups reflecting the diversity of our community.
We hope that this web site helps you quickly find out where you would have a home with us. We look forward to welcoming you at one of our services soon.
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You did not choose me
but I chose you and appointed you
so that you may go and bear fruit -
fruit that will last
From John 15:16
You are most welcome to join us at any of our services. We look forward to welcoming you.
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Please pray that the Lord will inspire and encourage all who attend our mid-week worship to hear His voice and respond to His call upon their lives.
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