St. Nicholas' Church, Burton-in-Wirral

Growing and thriving with God in our community

Children & Young People

Our vision for our children’s ministry at St Nicholas’ is that all our groups, activities and services should be fun and friendly places where we can discover more about God and what it means to follow Him.

We do this in many different ways and you can find out more about everything that happens for children, young people and families below.

Sunday services

Most of our families with children attend our 10am service at which we provide activities and facilities for babies and younger children in an area at the back of church.

Monthly Family Worship

On the first Sunday of each month we endeavor to hold a special service for all generations. We include a high degree of participation and aim to keep this to 45 minutes. Baptisms and Thanksgivings usually take place during these services.

Messy Church

Messy Church is a church for families at a time when it is a bit easier for them to come.

We meet at least six times a year (normally every other month) and start with a variety of games and craft activities all based on a theme or bible story. It often gets a bit messy! We then have messy worship, where we sing songs, join in a story and pray.

When? On a Saturday afternoon

Where? Gladstone Village Hall, Sports and Social Club, Burton or in Church

How can people get in touch? Our Children’s and Families' Worker - Sheila Dennison on 07709 830395 or

St Nic's Nippers

St Nic’s Nippers is a toddler group on a Monday morning in the Gladstone Village Hall between 10.30am – Noon. The group is transitioning from fortnightly to every week apart from school holidays. There is age-appropriate equipment for small children. 

Please contact Sheila Dennison our Children’s and Families' Worker on

Bishop Wilson School

We also have strong links with our local Bishop Wilson Church of England Primary School:

We follow the Chester Diocesan Guidelines for Child Safeguarding. Everyone who works with children is cleared to do so by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), or the previous system of Criminal Records Bureau (CRB). If you would like to raise any issue about child safeguarding please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Ivor Thomas 07887 895707.

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